Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tincture To the Rescue.

Immune boosting Echinacea
 So, today I woke up with that tell-tale sign of an oncoming cold...watery eyes and scratchy throat. Darn! However,  I am excited to say, that thanks to a friend of mine that encouraged me to try making echinacea tincture,  I feel like I may have a fighting chance to ward this one off...

Echinacea tincture is believed to be very helpful in fighting many bothersome seasonal afflictions, such as cold and flu, and boost your immune system.  It's very popular and can be purchased quite readily, BUT, it is also super easy to make yourself, especially if you grow this hardy perennial in your garden.

I have to admit I was skeptical to try this,  I mean after all this is medicine were talking about, and I really did not want to be responsible for poisoning anyone!  However, after a reassuring talk from my friend and a few google searches,  I decided I would give it a shot.

So, lets get started.  First you need to purchase your alcohol. You want to purchase vodka that is at least 40% alcohol, or 80 proof.  You can use stronger ones, but this is what was recommended to me.  Next, you will need a jar with a tight fitting lid.  I used a pint canning jar for my first batch.  The bigger the jar, the more vodka and echinacea you'll need.  Next, you need to go harvest your plant material.  You can use the flowers, leaves, stems, and even the roots.  I personally did not want to take a chance of killing my plants, so I left the roots alone :)

So, first, you chop up all your plant material. chop, chop. Second, you stuff it in the jar. Third, you top off the jar with vodka, leaving enough room so that shaking will be effective. Fourth, put the lid on it, give it a good shake, and write the date on the lid.  Now put it somewhere where you will see it and remember to shake it up every couple of days. I put mine in the cupboard with the spices. After 4 to 6 weeks of that, your ready to filter out the plant material. I used a coffee filter and a funnel and filtered it right into a amber bottle. The dark bottles help to protect it from light, which can deteriorate the potency of your tincture. Label your bottle, and thats it!

So, the next time you get that warning that your about to come down with something,  you will have your very own immune system booster!  Just take a couple of drops (yes, drops, not spoonfuls) a few times a day. You can even dilute it in tea or water if you want.

I hope that you found this post helpful, and that you might even try to make this home made remedy yourself. It's amazing the gifts that Mother Nature provides for us...Just outside, in our flowerbeds.

A big THANK YOU to my friend Nancy for giving me the courage to go down this path :)

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