Saturday, September 29, 2012

Simple Treasures

Recently I was out taking my dogs for a nice, long, morning walk out on our trails, and I was really enjoying all the sights and sounds that the changing of the seasons has to offer. While we were walking I was thinking how I would way rather be out in the woods than anywhere, and that I was very content. This one thought triggered a whole list of things that I find to be the little treasures of a simple life.

I would rather cook a healthy, colorful, balanced meal with all the bounty from my gardens, than go to an expensive restaurant.

I would rather put on my rubber boots than a pair of heels.

I prefer picking my garden to going to the grocery store.

I would rather drive an older vehicle than have a car payment.

I would rather eat an elk burger over a Kobe beef steak.

I would rather split, stack, and haul firewood and enjoy the wood fire, than turn up the thermostat and have a fuel bill.

I like homemade bread more than store bought.

I would rather sit in the garden and watch the chickens than go to a movie in the theatre.

My favorite designer is Levis.

My emeralds are the little green eggs I get from my hens.

My alarm clock is the roosters crowing.

I love saving all the kitchen scraps and making my own compost, compared to buying it in a bag.

I really like finding good yard sales and finding useful items that are old and made in the USA. They were built to last, not like the junk in the stores now.

I would rather buy bird food, than pay for cable.

These are a few of the little things that give me joy, the choices I have made to have a more simple life, the gifts I have been given that allow me to feel connected and balanced, that allow me to spend more time at home and less time out in the workplace.

So, the next time you want to go to the mall, and shop, stop. and think. and maybe take the dogs out for a nice long walk in the woods, take the time to appreciate all the sights and sounds that the changing of the seasons has to offer. Take time to enjoy all the simple things around you.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Comfort food for thought.

Yesterdays post left me emotionally drained, so I have decided that today I was just going to take it easy. I have a million things that I would like to be doing on these last days before the really cold weather starts, but I find myself not really motivated to do much. So, I lounged around all morning and had coffee with a dear friend and we chatted and nibbled on zucchini bread, went for a walk out in the woods, and went and visited the chicken coop and collected the tiny pullet eggs. It is amazing what gifts an old friendship can offer. After she left I began to realize that I was feeling much better. Now I am ready to tackle my green peppers, and have decided to stuff them and cook them on the grill. After that I am going to wash all the downstairs windows and I think I will call that, "good enough" for this day.

What I have learned to today is that sometimes you just have to be gentle with yourself. That when you let something big and emotional out, it can be a weight lifted off your soul, but then take time to heal. To lick your wounds and re group. Have coffee with your best friend. Nibble on zucchini bread. Take a walk in the woods.

It is these little things, that are a comfort too me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I was going to talk about green peppers today...

Today's entry was going to be about all the green peppers I just picked, and what I was going to do with them all, but my mind is on something else today.

Last year at this time, the weather was getting cooler and I needed to go out and collect birch bark to start fires in our wood stove. I had recently heard that my sister was back in town, so I thought I would invite her out to the house to go play in the woods with me and to have lunch.  I was very excited to spend time with her again, as I had heard she was really struggling and that her son had been in a terrible accident. My sister and I had not been in contact for a really long time, and I was anxious to reconnect.

You see, my sister was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and depression among other things.  We were very close growing up, but had drifted apart as her symptoms started to show.  I had moved away from home and so had she.  In 2001 I had moved back to my home town and we quickly rekindled our sisterhood.  It didn't take long before I realized just how bad her condition was, and being a single mother with three daughters, I just couldn't risk exposing them to her erratic behaviors.  I did not understand the battles she was fighting, and to be honest, it scared the crap out of me.  I quickly turned my back on her.  She ended up moving away, and we completely lost touch.  Then, last year, I made the phone call when I heard she was back in town.

She was going to come over, and I was so excited.  I had learned much about her disorder, and I was sure that I could be a better sister to her.  My children were all grown and I had time to be there for her.  I told her how sorry I was for turning my back on her and that I hoped she would forgive me.  We cried on the phone and she said that she loved me, and that I was a blessing.  We were going to get another chance to be family, again.  I spent the day cleaning the house, and getting groceries and plans were made that I would pick her up the next morning.     

Early the next morning my phone rang.

I knew, as soon as I looked at the caller ID. It was my stepmom.  I knew, before I even answered.  I knew.

My funny, smart, beautiful sister was gone.

 I was so glad that she and I had that last conversation.  I am so thankful that I was given the chance to tell her I loved her and how sorry I was.  I am thankful that I had done the research to understand a little better just how tortured she was.

So my message today is that if you know someone that is battling mental illness, or depression, please, PLEASE tell them you love them, and if you think for  a second that they may hurt themselves, call 911.  Also, do the research to understand what they are going through.  It is not a "choice." Their actions are usually a call for help.  Learn what healthy boundaries you need to set, and what their care plan is.  most of all, don't judge.  People are not judged for cancer or heart attacks, why should they be judged for a brain that was wired up wrong?

So, if you wanted to hear about green peppers today, I'm sorry. We will have to save that for another day  :)

R.I.P. Tracey

Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's official! Autumn has arrived!

There is nothing quite as bittersweet as autumn in northern Minnesota. Saying goodbye to the long days of summer and hello to the long winter nights. Goodbye to the Mosquitos and hello to the snowbirds. Goodbye to humid days and hello to static shocks. Goodbye to bonfires and hello to the warmth of the wood stove. Goodbye to swimsuits and hello to warm sweaters. Goodbye to the vegetable garden and hello to cleaning house. Goodbye to the barbecue and hello to the oven.

I know that many northlanders are sad to see the cold months ahead, but I find much to look forward to in the change of seasons. All the family home for Thanksgiving, the wonderful Christmas season and of course, long hours planning the gardens for next spring.